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What happens when I place my advert "On Hold"?
What happens when I place my advert "On Hold"?

Explains how the On Hold advert status functions.

Nick Webb avatar
Written by Nick Webb
Updated over a week ago

Putting an advert On Hold places your advert on pause while you conduct a deal for the item.

Depending on the success of the deal, you might mark the advert as sold or take it off On Hold to re-list it on Bike Hub again.

Placing an advert On Hold does the following things:

  1. Removes the advert from all listing and search pages.

  2. The advert page remains viewable if someone has the direct URL to the advert. They might have saved the URL, still have it in their history, or have a link from any Favourited or Search Alert email notifications.

  3. The contact buttons on the advert page are disabled.

  4. Anyone who has Favourited the advert will be notified that it is now On Hold. They will also be notified should the advert be taken off On Hold and made active again (placed back on the open marketplace).

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