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User Review Policy
Matt Eagar avatar
Written by Matt Eagar
Updated over a week ago

Reviews help to build a platform of trust on Bike Hub. To protect the integrity of the review system and ensure reviews are useful and informative, we require all reviews to adhere to our policy:

  1. Reviews may only be added where a sale happened or a firm agreement was in place
    As per our Terms of service: User reviews should only be submitted where an agreement to transact exists or a transaction was concluded on Bike Hub. We reserve the right to remove feedback that relates to negotiations or communications where there was no agreement and/or a transaction did not take place or relates to a transaction not initiated via Bike Hub.

    In short, if a sale wasn't concluded or there was no agreement to sell in place you should not be posting a review. If this cannot be verified we may prevent you from posting a review or remove a review.

  2. Reviews must be unbiased

    Any review posted should be unbiased and objective.

    Incentivising positive reviews or using the threat of negative reviews to influence behaviour is not allowed.

    Reviews posted by fake accounts or accounts confirmed to be linked to or competing with a particular user will be removed and offending accounts may be suspended.

  3. Reviews must be relevant
    Your reviews should remain relevant to the deal and item you purchased. Off-topic or unrelated comments about the person are distracting and unhelpful to other users looking to make informed buying or selling decisions.

    To ensure your reviews remain relevant, we ask you to avoid:

    • Name-calling or profanity

    • Personal attacks or assumptions about their character, social/religious or political views

    • Commentary on circumstances outside of the person's control

Where we receive a report of a review that violates our Reviews policy we may remove the review from Bike Hub. Repeated violations may result in the suspension of the offending account(s).

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